Friday, August 21, 2009

Have these lying idiots created an opening?

I made a conscious decision to avoid overt political discussions when I started this blog.

I also felt it was important to not comment on the ridiculous assertion that proposals to reform our very dysfunctional health care system include ominous provisions that would "pull the plug on grandma."

I don't have the patience to listen to folks who demagogue the issue, or to counter, point by point, their gross distortions.

Thankfully, comedian/TV host Jon Stewart does:

Part 1

Part 2



Lying idiots.

However, in my search for the silver lining, here's a question - "Have these lying idiots created an opening? Is this our chance to have more and better honest discussions with people about end of life care?"

It's a rhetorical question. We can always have more of these conversations, and better ones, with our family, friends, and patients.

But maybe now it just got a little bit easier.

And maybe now I can go back to following my earlier inclinations to avoid overt political discussions.

8/24 Update: And the lying idiocy continues.

9/2 Update: The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association tackles this issue head-on in their latest newsletter:
Opponents of health reform efforts are misrepresenting parts of the House and Senate legislation. In particular, the Affordable Health Choices Act contains a provision (page 425 of H.R. 3200) that would provide coverage under Medicare for people to talk to their doctor about their wishes. This provision has been used as a scare tactic by those who are claiming that it is a step toward government-mandated euthanasia for the elderly.

In fact, it is nothing of the sort.

More here.